Saturday, December 10, 2011

Perry Pledged No More Gays In The Military

      Something that I will never understand is why we care about gays or lesbians in the military. However, I was not surprised that Rick Perry had something to say about it. When I read the article, “Perry Hedges on Gay Soldiers Already Serving Openly” it disgusted me that Perry would dip his nose into any issue, just to get voters.
      This summer Obama did away with the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy.” Perry first promised to reinstate the ban on gays in the military was pledged in Mount Pleasant, SC. While in USS Yorktown, Perry also criticized Obama for his lack of judgment and accused him for using the military as a political tool to advance his base’s position. While in USS Yorktown, Perry felt the need to pursue the “problem” again. It seems that Perry is using the gay-soldier issue to keep any hope alive for his struggling presidential campaign. Evangelical voters in places like Iowa and South Carolina is where he needs to appeal most for votes.
      Since Obama’s overturned the policy several gays have openly come out about their sexuality. What will Perry do with the gays that came out of the closet? Like a lot of issues, he’s not sure what to do. When asked about what he would do with the members who now serve openly gay in the military he avoided answering the question but after a while he finally admitted that he would need to take the matter “under advisement.”
      This is just another one of Perry’s antics to manipulate votes. Yes, he will gain the votes of many closed minded Republicans but will lose the votes of the gay population. Some subjects should be left alone in politics and I feel this is one of them. We have a lot more important issues that control people’s everyday lives that need to be addressed. How people live their lives is not one of them.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Must Love "Grits for Breakfast"

      Upon my teacher’s recommendation, I checked out “Grits for Breakfast”, a fellow classmate’s blog. We previously wrote about Michael Morton, a man wrongfully accused and sent to jail for 25 years. Class is coming to an end and regretfully I didn’t read this blog earlier. His blog is very organized, articulately structured, and extremely informative about a wide variety of all things wrong with our government. 
     Clearly, Grits for Breakfast has done his research on the Morton case. The long list of embedded links in the middle of the blog is a genius way to show a variety of articles about the case. The links invite you to learn more about the case from different writers using different angles.
     My blog post about the Morton case focused more on why pursing justice in this case was so important and John Bradley’s alleged “middle man” position.  “Grits for Breakfast” uncovered more details about John Bradley that proved he was not oblivious as I portrayed him. My attention was quickly distracted by the link to a previous blog informing me about a questionable meeting with all the men accused of having a devious role in Morton’s incarceration, Bradley, Anderson, and Wood.  A huge amount of suspicion looms about what went on in this meeting, why they needed to have it in the first place and Wood’s denial/absence of memory about the whole case. Originally done on November 2nd, it has too much information to begin to summarize.  I can only stress how interesting it is and how rewarding it would be to read it for youself.
     Thirty minutes after consuming “Grits for Breakfast”, I was left in the dust. All that I wrote in my blog post of Morton was a crumb compared to my classmates.  I would highly recommend his post and blog to anyone.  Even this blog post is short because I spent too much time read my classmates! Thank you Mr. Seago for recommending this and hopefully my classmate will continue to update his blog after this semester has ended.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prosecutors Cover Their Tracks For 25 Years

     The Texas Coalition on Lawyers Accountability and the State Bar of Texas filed grievances against former Williamson County District Attorney Ken Anderson, his former assistant Mike Davis, and Current District Attorney John Bradley accusing the prosecutors of violating state laws and professional ethics in the case of Michael Morton.

     Recently released from prison, wrongfully convicted Michael Morton served 25 years for the murder of his wife in 1986. Evidence was withheld from the defense attorney’s and trial judges that proved another man could be a suspect. The wrongful conviction would have been prevented if this information was shared by the prosecutors.
     John Oliver, the Texas Coalition director says this case needs pressure from the public to ensure that any wrong doing will be unveiled. The State Bar has launched its own personal investigation. Morton’s lawyers are also pursuing their own investigation.  Anderson and Davis are not returning phone calls but have announced their innocence in public statements and court documents. However, Bradley has publicly stated that he was wrong but has worked with officials to exonerate Morton. Bradley resisted DNA testing for 6 years which eventually proved Morton’s innocence. Bradley pleads that he is simply the acting Defense Attorney for a difficult situation that was not his fault.
     Morton’s attorneys allege that the Williamson county police department with held several pieces of key information that would have possibly led to a correct conviction. A transcript of Christine Morton’s mother stating that her grandson told her, he’d seen a “monster” brutally beating his mother, who was not his father. Shortly after the murder, Christine Morton’s credit card had been used and a check was cashed with a forged signature.  People had also reported a green van wandering the neighborhood before the murder.
     Amazingly, two months after Morton’s release Williamson county police arrested and charged Mark Norwood with Christine Morton’s murder. Norwood is also a suspect in another murder that occurred 12 miles from the Morton’s home. This could have been prevented if Norwood had been sought in Christine Morton’s murder.
     Reading this story made me think of all the time Morton lost with his son. The son witnessed his mother’s attack and lost his father for 25 years because of crooked attorneys. If Morton’s case was handled inappropriately then I hope the people who are guilty will pay the price and be an example to the rest of the justice system before this happens again.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Responsible MADD

     Ironically, I start this paper in the comfort of my home sipping a glass of 2008 Pinot Noir named The Crusher.  Honestly, not sure how I would begin to criticize a colleagues piece of work. However, this one blog caught my attention and mildly struck home.
     About five years ago, my three year old daughter was hit by a drunk driver while in transit with her father. At the time, I was coming home from school and received a frantic phone call from a relative to rush to the emergency room because my daughter was due there at any minute. Needless to say, this traumatic experience inrepairably battered my heart.  I learned that in a blink of an eye, the person most important to you could be stolen by ignorance.
     The “No Refusal Policy” states that a police officer can obtain a warrant to draw your blood in the instance that you refuse to take a sobriety test.  My classmate argues in her blog that this has gone too far and questions if this tramples our constitutional rights. In this case, does it matter? Honestly, if an individual was giving enough suspicion to a police officer that led them to probable cause then more than likely then individual was acting in a questionable state.  
     My classmate continues to say that she believes in other ways to stop drinking and driving but never says how. Is there really a way to completely stop it? No. There is ways however for a person to not do it again- once caught.  My classmate mentions that if we had a better transportation system then it would reduce the number of deaths caused by drunk drivers. How? I am still left wondering.
      My classmate finalizes her blog by disagreeing with DWI’s but doesn’t feel this measure will stop it. I simply think, nothing will. Is it even about what will stop it or what we can do to reduce it?
     In closing, I would like to admit that I am no sober angel. However, I take responsibility for my actions and drink responsibly. Now whether that is every day bad day or weekend, I’ll never tell because it doesn’t matter. What matters is that people drink responsibly and take responsibility for their actions once they decide to get behind that wheel. I do not have sympathy for “drunk drivers” but respect a responsible drunk. There is a difference!  Especially if the No Refusal policy could save one life and one family from a life of grievance.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just Say No To Standardized Testing

       Upon reading the Daily Texan, I came across an interesting article by J Hermes, an astronomy graduate at the University of Texas. The article, ”Standardized Curiosityfocuses on the TAAS generation and how they’ve become a dying breed. Standardized testing is fed by schools to shape our memory for the sole purpose of making a good grade but not caring if we will remember it.

       The state has just replaced the TAKS test with the STAAR test as their way to see if our children are really learning. The TAKS was not working for kids and parents were noticing.

       Hermes defines our educational environment as standardized testing. Schools drill into our kids brains everything they need to know that is on the TAKS test. At the same time, telling our children that if they don’t pass then they will not move on to the next grade. Last year, my daughter’s school stressed her out by telling her that she had to do well on the TAKS or she would fail the second grade. Another parent even told me that her daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia during the school year but later found out that it was really anxiety. She blamed it on the pressure administered by the school to do well on standardized testing.

       In the article, Hermes characterizes the testing as dull, uncreative, and a stunting way to quantify learning. This opinion made me think about the children who are smarter than the TAKS testing. These children are not challenged because what they are taught is easy to them. What do the teachers do for the kids who are this smart? They freeze the child’s learning time so they can help the other students who are not as advanced as they are and even make them feel special by naming them “helpers”. Children should always be challenged to learn more regardless of what is taught to students around them.

       Hermes is a student aide who administers the reviews for exams. He was first irked by the idea that reviews were not a chance for him to blow student’s mind but instead it was used to feed the student the exam. Its safe to say that every student’s mind is trained early to think of school as a way to absorb what will advance you then unknowingly throw it out once the information has served its purpose. This is why students are not really learning. Hermes admits that during the exam review a student will always ask anything they can to find out what exactly is on the exam or how much will they need to know about a subject that is on the exam. This proves that students are not looking to fully understand but to temporarily know to get by.

       This article points out exactly what every school official knows but will never admit. I do not like standardize testing and have been guilty of the “temporarily absorbing” to get by. Now that I have a child in Elementary school, Texas’ lack of education strikes home. I see what standardized testing does to our children. I can only hope that the STAAR test will actually make a change.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Be One When You Can Be Many

     Every September, the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center hosts Suicide Prevention Week, with hopes to reach out to UT students who suffer with suicidal illnesses. In an article from the Daily Texan, Be The Many With Suicide Prevention, Katherine Taylor expresses her dislike for the new slogan. Taylor makes a lot of sense to point out that “Be that one” slogan seems misleading and inappropriate for the subject of suicide.
     What were they thinking, “be that one” to what? The campaign aimed to influence UT students to “be that one” to talk to a friend about their mental illness. Taylor correctly argues that suicide awareness should be stopped by many not just one person. The slogan seems to imply that only one person is needed. If suicide prevention needs only one, then more than likely people will think they don’t need to be involved.
     Taylor gives evidence collected from the University of Texas supporting importance of suicide awareness. According to the CMHC, suicide is the second leading cause of death in college students. Reports prove that 90% of people who commit suicide had a diagnosable mental illness. In 2009, 46% of college students reported feeling that things were hopeless and one third felt depression was making it difficult to function. This information alone should be enough evidence as to why we need to focus on a strong campaign for suicide awareness.
     Taylor makes a great point about how fast people are to say they are sick, but will never say they are mentally ill. If one is feverish, they know what to do. That individual would stay home in bed and maybe post a Facebook status for the whole world to see they are not well.
     Taylor nails it when she identifies the stigma related to mental health issues. This stigma labels an individual weaker than others because they admit to a mental illness. This leads to a fear of being known as “crazy” by others and not fitting into a perfect world.
     This article is a good representation of a misleading, perhaps severely understated slogan to prevent suicide. Clearly she gathered evidence that suicide is a huge problem among UT students. The CMHC at UT is not creating a strong movement by using “Be that one” when they really mean “Be the many” if they are going to make a difference. Katherine Taylor brought true light to the urgency of mental health awareness and damage control to a poorly created slogan.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

HPV Underestimated

      In the not so surprising article, “On the Record: Perry Understated Merck Money” U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann sheds light on the motive that Perry might have had during his controversial order of the Guardasil shot in 2006. Perry lied about the funds he received from the drug manufacturer Merck and even got offended by the criticism he was given for taking the money.
     Accusations started on Monday nights Tea Party debate when Michele Bachmann gave proof from the Texas Ethics Commission that Perry seriously underestimated the amount he was given from Merck. Perry has admitted to receiving $5000 and went as far as to say he was offended that people would accuse him for being bought out for such a small amount when he had raised about 30 million.
     The Texas Ethics Commission, who’s goal is to promotes public confidence in government, supplied proof that Perry received $29,500 from Merck. The bulk of this money was given right before he ordered his Guardasil requirement for teen girls. We will never know if he is truly passionate about this health issue or why he pushed so hard for it because he was bought out. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and Perry should have known the truth would come out eventually.
     Interestingly, the end of the article provides a link to viewers who want to see a detailed breakdown of who is contributing to the Perry fund. It’s definitely worth your time to view this link.
     Articles like this add to the resistance of trust among politicians and people. I really indulged in this article because of the proof given to back up the accusations. For once its nice to read something and leave it not wondering if it is based off speculation.